Dentist in Grantham, Lincolnshire
  • Elegant Smiles, Dysart Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 7DL
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If you would like to improve the look of your skin by reducing wrinkles or preventing further wrinkles from forming, consider coming in for a facial aesthetics consultation. During the consultation, our medical professional will be able to assess your skin, discuss your expectations and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the various treatments we offer. If you are a suitable candidate, we are able to prescribe and administer anti-wrinkle procedures, among other treatments.

Anti-wrinkle procedures treatments block signals from the nerves to the muscles. The treated muscle can no longer contract, thereby allowing lines and wrinkles to relax and become less visible.

Anti-wrinkle treatments are administered using very fine, sterile disposable syringes. This ensures minimal discomfort during treatment.

Treatments generally take just minutes per area around the face, and other than mild redness, there are generally no give away signs that treatment has been performed, so you can go about your day as normal after treatment.

Results generally take 10 days – 2 weeks to take effect and a complimentary review is offered 2 weeks after treatment.

Are anti-wrinkle treatments safe?

When anti-wrinkle treatments are administered by a medically trained practitioner, there are no serious risks and most patients experience no side-effects whatsoever. Occasionally, a small bruise may occur at the site of the procedures which disappears within days, and mild headaches lasting a few hours in very few cases. In rare cases, a reversible condition known as ptosis causing heaviness of the eyelids may occur. However, proper regard to dosages and location of procedures in susceptible muscles should avoid this condition.

Where can anti-wrinkle treatments be used?

Anti-wrinkle treatments can be used anywhere there is an undesirable pull on the skin of the face or neck, such as:

  • Forehead and frown lines
  • Eyebrow lift
  • The “bunny lines” around the nose
  • Crow’s feet/sift lines around the eye area
  • Vertical lip lines around the mouth known as “smoker’s lines”
  • Indentation of the chin caused by the activity of the mentalis muscle
  • Necklines (neck lift)
  • Smile lift
  • Jowls around the jawline
  • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)

For more information regarding this treatment

Call: 01476 563 105 Or Contact us
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"The best dentist I've ever been to! They really took care of my daughter with additional needs, as she was so nervous and stressed. They were patient...

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"I would just like to thank Faizan Iqbal for his care and reassurance whilst undergoing a wisdom tooth extraction, after so many years of worrying abo...

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"My wife would like to thank all the staff for her outstanding treatment. The service she received was out of this world. They went above and beyond w...

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"Dr Alicia Patel and the staff took very good care of me during my treatment. Excellent service."

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"Can not speak highly enough of Alicia Patel and her team! Such a great dental practice from the booking of emergency appointments, through to the tre...

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"From the initial consultation through to the final visit, Israr and his staff have been nothing short of excellent. My treatment over 9 months involv...

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"Israr is an absolute gentleman. His skills have completely helped my smile. He did a bone graft and an implant with no pain! He has bettered my expec...

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"Highly recommended! From the beginning, Israr was very clear and concise on the end result he wanted to achieve with my smile. Starting with a consul...

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"I am seeing Mr Israr Razaq, to whom I can confidently award 5 stars for always being prepared to go the extra mile to comfort my fears. Especially as...

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"I went to the practice today as a new patient, I was very nervous as not been to the dentist for many years. All of the staff in reception and surger...

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Dentist in Grantham, Lincolnshire
  • Elegant Smiles, Dysart Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 7DL
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